Blow Out the Light

A Movie in Search of Production, Screenplay by Robert N. Ruffin and Jim Robinson

The screenplay for Blow Out the Light is set in 1790, in the middle of the first meeting of the new Thomas JeffersonFederal Congress of the United States. The meeting was held in three sessions spanning the 1789 to 1791 time period.

The 22 Senators and 48 Representatives of the new Federal Congress were 100% white males of 100% European descent.

1790 was also the year of the first census of the new country’s population. The census was conducted under the direction of Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State. The census found a total population of 3,929,214 of whom 607,807 were slaves.

Compare this to the census of 1860, the last one taken before the Civil War, which counted total residents numbering 31,443,321 and 3,953,760 slaves. That’s 550% growth in the slave population.

What could possibly go wrong?